Lets take a look at what we can offer to help you and your family!
Therapy services are provided by our qualified mental health professionals who are licensed by the State of Kansas to provide mental health services to adults, adolescents, and children. We offer client-centered services for individual, family, couples, and group counseling and offer treatment for such things as depression, anxiety, ADHD, behavioral problems, relationship issues, stress or trauma, school or work problems, divorce, abuse and domestic violence, pain management or other issues.
Our therapists work with you on needed skills that will help you regain your health and wellness and get back to your day to day life as quickly as possible. Some of the therapy modalities offered include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Hypnotherapy, Play Therapy, Brain Spotting, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and other trauma-informed and solution-focused therapies. We also offer pain management, help with emotional support animals, and therapeutic gardening.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
- Call or text 988
- or call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Text: Suicide Hotline: 741741

We provide emergency services 24 hours a day, primarily when there is a need to screen for a possible psychiatric hospitalization. A crisis therapist will respond in a timely manner to all who contact The Center for Counseling for a crisis assessment, seek the least restrictive environment needed for safety of the person in crisis, and offer crisis intervention and follow up services when appropriate.
If you need help for a mental health emergency:
Call The Center for Counseling during business hours: 620-792-2544; 1-800-875-2544
Call 911 or go to the emergency room at the nearest hospital after business hours.
The Center for Counseling offers substance use evaluations to
determine level of care. Follow up treatment services will be scheduled for an appointment with one of The Center’s licensed dual diagnoses counselors, or referrals made as
Substance Use Services are available in Great Bend and Lyons Kansas locations.
· We offer non-judgmental and non-confrontational treatment to adults and adolescents.
· Our focus is to increase awareness of the potential problems caused, consequences, and risks faced as a result of the substance use.
· We help to build skills to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects of the use on your life and relationships.
​Outpatient Services:
· Individual & Group Counseling
· Substance Use Evaluations - (DUI, Court-Ordered)
· Smoking Cessation
· Co-Occurring Treatment
· Medication Assisted Treatment (Opioid Addiction)

Oftentimes, the combination of therapy and medication will produce the best outcome for treatment of a mental health disorder. Our medication team consists of a psychiatrist and APRN level staff who offer medication assessment to determine the best course of treatment and ongoing medication services.
The Center will also soon have an onsite pharmacy to make medicine pickup and fulfillment simple and easy!
The Center offers Support Services for Adults (and children see below), including -Case Management, Psychosocial Groups, Attendant Care, and Peer Support Services, and Mental Health First Aid. We also offer Emotional Support Animal Programs, and Therapeutic Art of Gardening Programs.

Community Based Services (CBS) at The Center include an array of services designed to meet the needs of children ages 3-18 diagnosed with serious emotional disturbance (SED). The services provided include case management, attendant care and psychosocial groups. CBS uses a strengths based approach in working with children and families to identify needs and develop goals to improve behavioral challenges. Services are provided in the home.
Additional services are offered through the Home and Community Based SED Waiver. This Medicaid program is available to children who have greater needs and are at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. To qualify, children must meet clinical and financial eligibility standards established by the state. Those who are determined to be eligible, may receive parent support, wraparound facilitation, attendant care, independent living skill building, and respite care services in addition to CBS services.
CBS operates on the belief that children are successful when they have the services and supports they need to address their behavioral health challenges.